Kadilan Kota Melaka memberi sumbangan perayaan Krismas

Portuguese Settlement
Monday 23 December 2019
Portuguese Settlement
 Members of the women wing of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) from the Kota Melaka unit distributed goodies to the B40 group within the Portuguese Settlement yesterday.

Portuguese Settlement

Tourist from Holland joined the photograph taking session before the members of PKR walk to the homes of the B40 group.

Portuguese Settlement

Martin Theseira lead the members of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat to the homes of the B40 group. On Martin's left, is Mohamad Riduwan, the party chief for Cabang Kota Melaka.

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

In the above, photograph from left, Riduwan handed the goodies to a recipient while Hjh Zubaiday Bte Ali stand in the middle.

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Members of the women wing of the Keadilan Kota Melaka posing for a photograph with a recipient.

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Portuguese Settlement

Martin Theseira thank members of the Keadilan Kota Melaka for showing care for the B40 group within the Portuguese Settlement.
