What is Time?

How do you describe Time? Give a try, answer this question!

Time Management is one of the famous management tools which include such names as Budgeting, Job Enrichment, Strategic Business Planning, Project Management, Zero-Base Budgeting and so on.

Time is costs

Time requirements of strategy planning is important and need to be fully understood and respected because it is one of the most comprehensive measures of costs

The time taken to identify a subject matter, the time spent on debating the issues of the subject, the time spent on arriving at a decision on the subject is the amount of Input Time used to bring about a progressive future. 

Lingering on the same subject and the problems over and over again is an unproductive act of time.

Ability to manage time is not only with very important person and all very important persons but at all levels in a society.

Y2K was a hot topic before December 31, 1999, and everyone was awakened as to how fast time flies. 

2020 is around the corner, and the Time Capsule planted in 1994 is maturing for people to read after a wait of 25 years. 

Managing time well, every time and at all times is hard to do by oneself, but if by a team of assisting time keepers, possible maybe.

An enthusiastic speaker can get carried away and even the most experienced speaker can lose track of time.

To know that I can only talk for 10 minutes is not a discipline, to accept the time frame that I can talk from 10:01 to 10:10 would get me efficient and effective

For this, I need to do my homework to make sure I deliver a message sharp and short within the time frame.

A condensed version and an add-on version of my talk prepared for handy use would be helpful in the event there is a review of the timing resulted from circumstances.

Professional speaker is tactful in summarizing his talk when he has go over the time frame and they are extraordinary leaders and managers who can simply retrieved powerful phrases that put them in command in any situation. Not many.

If I go over my time frame, others who do the same must not be discriminated but everyone in the hall can quickly become irritated if the day runs over!

Who will be upset if the day finishes a little early?

Is my watch working? Watch my watch.


1. A Display Timer helps.

2. A 5-minutes Twice Bell and 1-minute One Bell helps.

Question : What is Time?

Answer : Time is a series of " Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, ... "
