CGC Dan KoPRESTIJ - Taklimat Usahawan Di Novotel Melaka

Program Bersama CGC & KoPRESTIJ

Taklimat Usahawan Koperasi Prestij Melaka Berhad (KoPRESTIJ) di Novotel Melaka pada Sabtu 28 September 2019 dari 2.30 petang hingga 4.30 petang.


My job is to transport readers to fabulous and fascinating Melaka and take them back to medieval times, from bustling sites over to deserted sites or even into the secrets of Melaka.

With a task like that, tired and overused words like “pretty” and “fun” just won’t cut it. Here, readers can find the right words to conjure up a three-dimensional scene of places in Melaka and start travelling.
