吃得饱睡得好 Eat well and sleep well

Congrates Pakatan Harapan !

GST of 6 % began on 1 April 2015,  and it pinches the rakyat every day on the streets. How painful, the man on the street knows.

This photograph showed my first breakfast menu this morning as Malaysia is reborn.

Image of url https://generalabout.blogspot.my

For half-boiled eggs, I pay RM2.40. For Mee Rebus, I pay RM5.00. For three Roti Telur and two Roti Kosong, I pay RM8.00. For one cup of Kopi-O and one cup of Kopi, I pay RM2.70. Total cost of breakfast is RM18.10. This is me. I earned a gross RM3,000 a month and this breakfast has taken a 18 % of mine RM100 per day gross pay. What about many others who earn only RM2,000 a month and worst those who earn RM1,000 a month ?

We have executed our power yesterday to renew Malaysia and that is not all, for we have to support the new government by changing our old habits and also to reduces our prices after GST is abolished. Only then can the man on the street, eat well and sleep well. The Malay Tsunami just happened last night and it is a very good lesson to everyone.

We can trust Pakatan Harapan to " hapuskan GST " within the first 100 days as the new government for Malaysia.

Listen to Tun Dr. Mahathir
