Your wife’s idea on house chores is correct and useable

In the past, not all kids in a family were involved in house chores. Almost everyone thought house chores are girls job. That thought was wrong. Many parents exempted the eldest son from house chores and reluctant to ask the youngest child to learn about house chores. Those were the days when the boys were given priority in education while the girls must know how to cook and to do house chores as to recognized for marriages. Match-making was common and parent made decision on marriages. Such lifestyle has remained for generations and is lingering in today’s family. An old habit hard to get rid and instead of involving children with house chores, today richer parent is employing maid to do house chores and spending more on the child education.

Today you see that boys and girls are not expected to do house chores but to pay attention to education. It is true that education will always be an important asset.

It is a good habit for your boys and girls to help in some kitchen work because it is a place that make food for everyone. They would learn the value of family bond without complaint while helping out around the house.

The most difficult part would be for the parent to focus on the objective of training their children rather than the result of the house chores they performed. Some children would take a longer time to complete a chore than you wish, and this is when you have to resist your desire to take over the task. When you take over the task, your training failed.

You may not like the quality of the work your children in house chores at the beginning and here again, you have to be patience after all the children is learning from the opportunity they have to shoulder house chores.

When you have succeeded to accept the quality of the house chores your children do, they would do better in time to come after gaining experiences. You must not expect your children to do house chores like you do but to help them learn about family responsibility and guide them to discover the joy the family work can bring.

Don't worry about the time your children put into house chores, which you think is taking away their time to study because they would learn how to manage time better and become better students. Of course, you must know what types of house chores is suitable for your children by considering their age and physical ability. Bear in mind that your children enjoy to work from a very young age alongside with you but with a lower quality.

You are training your children the importance of family unity, and you are also developing your children maturity because the house chores prepare them to serve others and his family later on.

I personally trained my son when he was two. Good luck !
