Why I must visit the Kampung Chetti ?

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Source : Facebook | Persatuan Sahabat Museum Melaka

In the following paragraphs, we would be explaining the extension of the Hindus and Tamil people from India to Southeast Asia. Not many people from around the world has taken note that once there were some 84 languages spoken in a Malay Kingdom called Melaka.

By 5 in the late yesterday afternoon, I was at the Chetti Museum and this place is easily accessible on Jalan Gajah Berang. Mr. Mohan, a Chetti himself, staying in the Kampung Chetti or Chetti Village guided us through a complete tour about the origin of the Chetti community in Melaka, the heritage, the descendants inherited from generation to generation which constructed the lifestyle of his people today.

Mr. Mohan’s father was from India and thus, although Indian merchants called at other Malayan ports on trading voyages, Indian settlement in Melaka has evidence with records as far as the Sultanate era during the 1400 to 1511. The history of Melaka is no complete if I do not mention the Chetti Community and likewise, if I do not visit the Kampung Chetti, my understanding of Melaka is not clear.

The Chetti adopted some Malay and Chinese practices, while preserving their original Hinduism ritual; with proof of these temples they maintained from the year,

1822 , Sri Maha Mariamman Temple
1804 , Sri Kaliamman Temple
1887 , Sri Kailasanathar Temple

Donations in kind has to be in odd numbers so that the act would manifest his or her benevolence in due course.

Melaka Chetti are Hindus but they are different from other Hindus because :

Their mother tongue is Malay.

Their dressing, food preparation and form of entertainment has local Malay arts.

The most common language used by the Chetti community is Malay and they speak fluently while more than half the population can speak English while less than half can speak Tamil. A few can speak Chinese.

The women wear the baju and sarong while the mean also faour sarong and I noted on the wedding dias in the Chetti Museum as Mr. Mohan explained their marriage customs. In their homes, serai, lengkuas, belacan, and coconut is freely used in kitchens … … … more about the Chetti, go there now !

Photograph of http://generalabout.blogspot.my

Photograph of http://generalabout.blogspot.my

Photograph of http://generalabout.blogspot.my

Photograph of http://generalabout.blogspot.my

Photograph of http://generalabout.blogspot.my

Why I must visit the Kampung Chetti ?
