
On October 31st, a night of mischief and mayhem

On the eve of All Saints Day, witches do not truly ride abroad on their broomsticks and ghosts do not really make us shiver, but it is fun to pretend that they do.

Would it be safe tonight, when people once believed evil spirits were free for a time to work whatever mischief they pleased. Tonight, many people would wear false faces and play games that may be traced to the past simpler age.

Boo ! A haunting, people will go on Halloween tonight in Melaka Raya, and many places in Heritage Melaka.

In the past, the British believed the ghosts of the dead were believed to come back to earth to play pranks on the living. Let's get ready for Halloween fun ! I know the Eco Tree Hotel Melaka is celebrating Halloween tonight because my daughter play a role in the Halloween party. The hotel is all set for a night of mischief and mayhem.

There are jack-o'-lanterns to carve, decorations to put up, costumes to make. In Heritage Melaka, Halloween is not just about fun but also about exposure to cultural festivals available in Melaka. Since Melaka was a member of the British colony, this celebration is an heritage like what the folks do for Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, and Christmas.

Even my niece is making these meals pictured below.

If you can't prepare scary meals, select an orange pumpkin, cut the pointed blade and scoop out all the seeds and pulp. Get dad or mum to like a candle that stand in it after sunset and let's get shivery about the change of garden lamps around the place you stay.

By now, 3:29 pm Melaka Time, you should be learning to develop a shrill, crackling laugh to go with your polka dots perforated costume that reveal horrid faces behind those holes.

Your Halloween party begins when you give your guest cold wet handshakes, a luminous white skeleton drop from above, hung in between her startled eyes and yours....

Tonight, many beliefs grew up to this day, and such belief is that on this one night the spirits of the departed is allowed to visit their homes, cafes, hotels, restaurants, streets, ..... in Melaka Raya ? .... in Jonker Walk ? ... in Portuguese Settlements ? ... 

Watch the orange pumpkin I've selected.

31 October
Saturday 2015 of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel message for today --

"...will be exalted." (Lk 14:1,7-11)

Only in true humility can we judge ourselves correctly without making ourselves appear either more or less significant than we actually are.
