
Old buildings of Chinese Associations in Melaka

Most of the Chinese associations buildings are located in Jonker Walk and spilled over to the Heeren Street, Kubu Road, Bukit Cina Road and …

Many of these associations buildings has history that stretch back to the past millennium and their beginnings are most likely related to heritage.

The Chinese gained wealth through working hard either as workers or businessman and they still preserve virtues in modern days though they improved themselves from rags to riches.

In whatever fields they take, they are committed to give the best to other people. The Hakkas who are excellent in textiles and clothing trades, pawn operations, gold and gems tell you a history in Kampong Pantei Road, Bunga Raya Road and Newcome Road. If you drink a cup of local black coffee in a shop in Melaka, you cannot trust the brewer if he is not a Hainanese. Check with Heng Ann Association on Jalan Laksamana Cheng Ho if you want, to verify that bicycles, motorcycles, cars dealers and electrical goods are well distributed by the Henghuas.

On food, I wonder whether you know that the Teochius cuisines is a must do thing for anyone who visit Melaka. In the very long past, you would see the great Teochius chefs loading their kitchen utensils onto their vehicles to cook for any rural or urban folks on their wedding dinner. One of the best Teochius restaurant in town is Teo Soon Long now moved to a new shop in Kota Laksamana.

The Chinese Associations help a lot in the development of Melaka whether in trades, or services as the high-level positions are held by the rich and successful businessman. This is also true to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, temples committee, charitable societies or even school boards like the Parent-Teacher Association.

Even today, the businessman who aspire to lead the community through an association, a board, or a committee should first seek wealth in business.
