Rich Malaysian Poor Malaysian

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One person, one day, one bread

Going back to farming is one way to reduce the cost of food. The idea is not feasible to people in big cities where space is limited.

A friend who lives in duty-free island whatsapp to say that 'One good thing is Labuan is the zero-rated system.'

She continued to write, 'Fruits and vegetables from Kota Kinabalu are expensive, but has started to plant banana, mango, lemon, dragon fruits, guava and soursop.'

Farming is not an easy job.

Another friend who lives in Johor Baru, quickly responded by sending the image of the salad pickup yesterday for sandwich breakfast this morning.

It is a nice way of both to get exercises and to get pesticide-free vegetables, he added.

So, I got the point that instead of buying, one way for not getting food supplies at higher prices is to become a part-time farmer.

They gave me the idea of being a part-farmer after I told the same bread I ate was 80 cents on Monday and it has become 85 cents on Wednesday.
