Idris Haron suggested ADUN get close with people

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The Chief Minister of Melaka, Datuk Seri Ir. Idris Haron sacrificed his time to get close to school children at the SJKC Sungai Udang, Melaka yesterday. His wife Datin Seri Fadilah Abdullah was beside her husband to share the gift of love.

Timely, in view of the coming Year Of Goat, Datuk Seri Ir. Idris Haron take the opportunity to let the school children look forward to a cheerful Chinese New Year. School children of all races queued in 1 line to enjoy the art of receiving during Spring. To Chinese, Spring is a very important time as one year plan, efforts, actions and results depended on how well a step, a concept, a vision or resolution is conceived. 

一年之计在于春 Yi Nian Zhi Ji Zai Yu Chun

The sayings, means 'Whatever fruition that you hope to achieve next year begin in Spring'

For this heritage art of the Chinese, as +Orang Melaka the humble Datuk Seri Ir. Idris Haron is applaudable.

Not an introvert or a self-centred person, Datuk Seri Ir. Idris Haron encouraged all ADUN or Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri to go to all Chinese-medium schools in their constituency where people elected them in the GE13 not just to give away red packets (angpows) but to cheer the children and the teachers. Each constituency representative in Melaka has been allocated Ringgit Malaysia RM250,000 for use as red-packets to people within their electoral areas.

Datuk Seri Ir. Idris Haron hope that Wakil Rakyat Of Melaka who would visit the Chinese school children for this purpose and the children, teachers including parents to the children, could see this gesture as economic prosperity (kemakmuran ekonomi). Datuk Seri added , 'Angpau dianggap sesuatu yang mempamerkan kemakmuran ekonomi dan bukan nilai jadi ukuran tetapi ingatan yang lebih tinggi nilainya dari wang kertas' Over MelakaFm this morning, Datuk Seri said that it is not whether inside the red-packet has Five Ringgit or One Ringgit which count how much care is given to people of your consistuency or how you look at your Constituent Representative but the Appreciation.

#MelakaNegeriKu is going greener through the process of #MelakaMajuFasaKedua engineered by Datuk Seri Ir. Idris Haron, a humble Chief Minister who has +Orang Melaka to his heart, and this is a fortune to Melaka, the heritage city remembered by people worldwide.

With his recent appointment as President for the World Assembly Of Youth, Datuk Seri is gifted to harness more wealth for Melaka. Melaka has just began to thrive only 6 short years since she was listed as UNESCO Heritage City in 2008 after a long period of silence till she was nicknamed as a 'Sleepy-Hollow' after the fell of the Melaka Empire.

Melaka need Datuk Seri for many years to come.
