Qigong and me 气功与我

On Mobile

My lunch time is 12 noon and it is only an hour. Though it is only one hour, the many days had made the hours spent on lunch hundreds of hours.

I have been taking lunch at several places and there was a place where I met a man who is dedicated to the art of Qigong. This man started as a student since 1993. However, it was only in 2008 that we were acquainted.

It was only last October that I come to know that this man has mastered Qigong and is sharing the art to people. I joined Qigong on Friday 7 November 2014 and attended the first practice.

On the second lesson, master gave me a diagram on Chinese acupuncture. The night had fallen when it was drizzling on Monday 10 November 2014 near to 8 p.m. Tue 11 Nov 2014 19:43.

Today, I meet my Master at the foodstall again. After he finished his meal, he shared with me a story about Zhu Ge Liang. Zhu had practised concentration of the mind to the level of a stable mind. With his mind focus Zhu had harvested the wind flow to the direction he wanted which blazed the enemies vessels.

Master said to me, " Enjoy each moment in time. " Wed 12 Nov 2014 12:55.

On the fourth lesson, I get to know that the Grand Master is Pang, one of the top ten practioner in China. Instead of curing limited people with his medical knowledge, he ceased his medical services and diverted his focus to Qigong where the number of people could rejuvenate themselves is unlimited.

Energy or 'Qi' in Chinese is an important element in Qigong.

Inside our body, there are three places where 'Qi' could be harvested and preserved. The three places are named as the ' Upper Qi,' , ' Middle Qi ' and the ' Lower Qi '.

The upper qi consist of finer energy molecules while the lower Qi has larger molecules. It is the energy of the larger molecules of the lower Qi that enable the man to perform extraordinary stunts. For example, to break a brick, to bend a cane stock with the neck and so on. You have to try to acquire these energies only from the Qigong teacher. Everyone is able to harvest energy and conserved such energy if one is disciplined and patience. Friday 14 Nov 2014 20:55

Consistent attention is given to softness and suppleness, relaxation, detoxification, rejuvenation and energy. Monday 17 Nov 2014 22:37.

The stretching and retrieving of both lifted hands right in front is to be synchronised with the rotation of the ball of the humerous in a circular motion. Wednesday 19 Nov 2014 22:32

The main loosen up is the spine and motions for loosing up the vertebrae is only encouraging during sessions coordinated by teachers. They should act like stringed pearls. And on lowering self so that all fingers and thumbs will touch the ground, the vertebral column level the head and the hips at same height. Thursday 20 Nov 2014 18:34

I skipped my Friday 21 Nov 2014 class, to buy a dinner for a few University Tecknology Malaysia students at the DIMA Restaurant. We enjoyed the large-size Kabsah Lamb, the medium-size Mandi Lamb and a 5-pax jug of fresh Mango. Saturday 22 Nov 2014 13:00

I am lucky to attend the Monday 24 Nov 2014 lesson where Master Zhou provided an almost 2 hours comprehensive guidelines on the art of Qigong. The stop before Melaka was Genting Highlands where he gave a 6-hours talk. He is heading to Klang the day after. Master Zhou hailed from China and is a student of Master Pang.

8 Basic Principles Of Qigong

1. Touching sky touching earth.

The head touches the blue sky. The foot sunk into the earth crust. I am a giant complimenting the sky and the earth, thus making the sky, me and the earth as one. Wednesday 26 Nov 2014 15:53

2. Body relax mind expand.

Let the mind engulf the whole body, while at the same time let the whole body extend wide so that it is one with nature. Saturday 29 Nov 2014 17:14

3. Outwards respect inwards silence.

Respect the Zhineng Qigong knowledge, respect all the Qigong members, respect self and feel the calmness within. Wednesday 3 December 2014 18:14

4. Still like a glass of water. Clearness and stillness of the transparent water give rise to the emptiness of self.

5. No thoughts arises. All thoughts emptied. Even the thoughts of the very past seconds vanished. No existence, no self, no forms. Together forms and nature become one.


1. 顶天立地                                                                                      
    头顶蓝天, 脚踩地球下面的虚空-----我是宇宙中的一个巨人。

2. 形松意充                                                                                    
     把意念充拆全身, 同时形体放松到天边 --- 我和大自然虚空融为一体。

3. 外敬内静

   敬重智能气功科学, 敬重全国智能功同道, 敬重自己, 内心十      分宁静。

4. 心登貌恭

    心如止水,清澈明亮;容貌谦恭如师在前(同时达到了初步的入     静层次

5. 一念不起

6. 神注太空
    把自己的精神放到宇宙的虚空,和虚空结合起来(进入了更     深的入静层次)

7. 周身融融

8. 一个恍恍
    惚惚的自     己在混元气的大气场中开始练功。

After the 8 steps, qi is apply for the following;
Xin  zai  xiang tou bu fa qi             tou bu  qi     xue yao chong zhu   jing luo  yao tong chang  ji bing
Yao pai chu         gong nen yao hui fu zhen chang
Xin   zai xiang liang yan fa qi          liang yan zhen qi yao chong yin  jingluo yao tong chang  yan bing
Yao  pai  chu        shi  li     yao  hui  fu  zhen chang
Xian zai xiang bi  zhi  fa     qi           bi     zhi yao tong chang  fei  qi    yao chong zhu   bi    zhi de bing
Yao  pai  chu       gong nen yao hui fu  zhen chang
Xin  zai  xiang liang er fa  qi           liang er  zhen qi  yao chong yin   jing luo  yao tong chang  er bing
Yao  pai  chu       ting  li     yao  hui  fu  zhen chang
Xian zai xiang kou qiang fa qi         kou qiang    ya  chi          se   tou         yan hou       qi    xue yao chong
Zhu        jing  luo  yao tong qiang   kou qiang de bing yao pai chu    gong nen yao hui fu zhen chang
Xin   zai xiang xiong bei bu fa  qi         xiong bu ru   fang       bei  bu   ji     zhu        qi   xue yao chong zhu
Zhu         jin  luo   yao tong chang  xiong bei bu de bin  yao  pai chu        gong nen yao hui fu zhen chang
現在向 胸腔裡面發氣,兩肺氣血要充足,經絡要通暢,
Xian zai xiang xiong qiong li mian fa qi       liang fei  qi    xue yao chong zhu   jing luo  yao tong chang
Fei   bing yao pai chu       liang fei de  gong nen yao hui fu  zhen chang
Xian zai xiang xin zhang fa qi         xin zhang qi xue yao chong zhu  jing luo  yao tong chang  xin zhang
De   bing       xue guan de bing       du  yao  pai chu        gong nen yao hui fu zhen chang

Xian zai xiang wei fa   qi           wei qi    yao chong zhu   wei de jing  luo  yao tong chang  wei bing yao pai
Chu        gong nen yao hui fu zheng chang
Xin   zai xiang xiao chang da chang fa qi    xiao chang da chang qi xue yao chong zhu jinh luo yao tong chang
Ji   bing yao pai chu         xiao hua gong nen   pai  du   gong nen     du  yao hui  fu   zheng chang
Xian zai xiang gan dan fa  qi           gan dan qi   xue yao chong zhu  jing  luo  yao tong chang gan zhang de
病,膽囊的病,都要排除, 功能要恢復正常。
Bing        dan nang de bing       du  yao pai chu         gong nen yao hui fu zhen chang
Xian zai xiang yi zhang     pi zhang fa    qi           yi zhang       pi  zhang qi xue yao chong zhu  jing luo  yao
Tong chang   ji     bing yao pai chu        yi   dao  gong nen    dai xie   gong nen      du  yao  hui fu zheng chang
Xian zai xiang liang shen fa qi       liang shen zhen qi yao chong zhu jing luo yao tong chang shen bing yao
Pai   chu        jie    shi  yao fen shui        liang shen gong nen yao hui fu zhen chang
Xian zai xiang pang guang fa qi    pang guang qi xue yao chong zhu jing luo yao tong chang ji bing yao
Pai   chu        gong nen yao hui fu zhen chang
Xian zai xiang nan ke         fu    ke  fa    qi            nan ke         fu    ke  qi     xue yao chong zhu  jing luo  yao
Tong chang    ji    bing yao pai  chu      gong nen yao hui fu zheng chang
Xian zai xiang liang shan zhi fa qi        liang shang zhi jian guan jie   da   bi    zhou guan jie     shou bi
Shou wan      shou zhang shou zhi jing luo qi xue yao chong zhu      ji     bing yao pai chu      ten tong yao
Xiao shan     guan jie  yao lin   huo       gong nen yao hui fu zheng chang

現在向 兩下肢發氣,兩下肢氣血要充足,經絡要通暢,兩
Xian zai xiang liang xia zhi fa    qi           liang xia zhi  qi     xue yao chong chu  jing luo yao yong chang liang
Liang xia zhi kua guan jie          da  tui   xi   guan jie         xiao tui       jiao  wan      jiao zhang jiao zhi   jing  luo
Qi    xue  yao chong zhu  jing luo   yao tong chang  ji    bing yao pai  chu      ten tong yao xiao shan  guan jie
Yao   lin   huo       gong nen yao hui fu  zhen chang
Xian  zai xiang zhou shen fa qi       zhou shen qi xue yao tong chang dan tian qi  yao chong zhu   dan qi   yao
Chong zhu     an   jing        fang song

Provided by Master Teng on Tuesday 13 January 2015 

Monday 24 November 2014

Why I take up Qigong ?

I am lucky that I chose Qigong and it is a decision not only good for me but also good for you. 

Late last year, my left pointing finger got numb at the tip and as day passes the numbness extended to the whole finger length. Sometime this year, the numbness of the finger has reduced its intensity but the left arm become sensational numb.

One day, my teacher asked me to hold two hand together and he asked me to imagine. To imagine that my right fingers, palm, hand has elongated. Through the ceiling, then the roof and reached the height of trees before it touches the sky.

By then, he asked me to put the left and right palms together, and both witnessed that the right palm fingers were longer than before.Master Phang has added a developed practising skill in the form musical lyric in which he encouraged members to be devoted in self-improvement in this art. 

Master believed by devotion, everyone would be present for a grand meet in 2050. Sat 13 Nov 2014.

I look at Master Pang's photographs when he visited Melaka in 1995. He had made a man who can't walk walked. 

Master Pang has also met Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong during the visit as a photograph show both of them shaking hands and exchanging sourvenir on stage the Grand Hall of Pay Fong Middle School on Kubu Road, Melaka.

I was attending my 3rd class on the theory about Qigong, the steps and their applications involving energy.

After viewing the photograpphs, the Qigong teacher who has 20 years of experiences described the various parts of the human body as he flipped the pages of the anatomy book.

He explained to us the roles of each organ and how harvested energy would preserve their capabilities.

Next, he requested us to follow the physical movements in class. We have a feel of what energy is like and we learn how to observe energy. Tuesday 16 Nov 2014 8.38 pm.

After this line, a friend Mr.Chin shared on 12 August 2013 about Zhineng Qigong.

Tumour dissolves in 3 minutes at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic &
Training Center in China- medicineless hospital.
This video clip is about 15 mins.
The actual 'film' starts at 5 min. mark but you want to listen to
those first 5 minutes so you know what is it about.
It would be better that you first read the below text before watching the
In this is the video footage see a tumor dissolving in 3 minutes with the sounds emitted by the doctors/student at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center (the medicineless hospital in China described below)

Hospital in China that uses no medicine.
Posted by Craig Vollan on February 12, 2009 at 4:26pm
View Blog
World's Largest Medicineless Hospital

by Luke Chan
ChiLel Qigong

Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center, simply known as the Center, normally has more than four thousand people living there, including doctors, patients, ChiLel teachers, trainees, and supporting personnel. The Center was established in 1988 in the city of Zigachong and later, in 1992, relocated to the city of Qinhuangdao . In 1995, it again expanded to its present address, an old army hospital in the city of Fengrun , two hours by train from Beijing . It is directed by its founder, Dr. Pang Ming, a Qigong grandmaster and physician trained in both Western and Chinese traditional medicine. This hospital is the largest of its kind in China and probably in the world. The Center avoids medicines and special diets in favor of exercise, love, and life energy. It is a non-profit organization and is recognized by the Chinese government as a legitimate.
