Melaka YouTube 500th Subscriber

On Mobile
Firdaus Malek has subscribed as the 500 subcriber today. We like to thank him for doing so.

We believed and always remember that all the 500 subscribers have somehow or rather helped to shared  videos on Melaka to their friends.

As such, they have shared the events that are unique, the heritage nowhere has, the hotels available for selection, the local cuisines, and the Melaka River Historical Timeline Cruise to the world. 

Subscibers shared the 3,290 videos published to date, Sunday 23 November 2014.

Rest assured, the State Chief Minister, YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Hj.Idris Haron would appreciate your efforts of sharing Melaka to the world.

Not forgetting, we also remember YouTube's great efforts when they began to create this platform, without which, the promoting of Melaka to the world will not be effective.

We will always be thankful to YouTube.

Once again, we will never be bored to repeat to express our heartfelt appreciation to the subscribers, YouTube and Google.

Melaka Maju Fasa II
Berkat Cepat Tepat
Negeri Bandar Teknoloji Hijau

Melaka Green State 2020
