Charity start with those who stand by me

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Ananta Chemjong. Pustha Bahadur Rai. They are resourceful. To respect them is to look at their strengths and not their weakness. (Kebolehan disyukor, kelemahan diiktibar)

I’ve never thought I’ve been doing charity all this while until Brian, a British descent who lives in Australia, told me that he make monthly donation to orphanage homes.

Caring for them begin each morning at home. Less use of words. Instead showings of care is given. Little things like sweets, cookies, desserts and what not are brought to them before work start to make the day beautiful for them.

Charity must be done with pure kindness. Charity is not a glamorous thing. Bill Gates is doing enormous charity quietly. Charity begin with the 1st thought, not on a 2nd, 3rd and so on though review of the original thought in due course feasible to the circumstances is not an unusual thing.

How can we said that we care when we give charity to distant persons while those near you are ignored?
