
The 'Bukit' Management

Management in business and organizations means to coordinate the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. There are many types of management styles. Many workers prefer autocratic management because they can follow easier when less people involved in the decision-making process. They know that they are not consulted and they know work get done on time. The leader of an autocratic management must surely a knowledge power-house. The leader has to be highly paid. The question is 'Will the community of an autocratic system contribute to the forming of a high-income society ?'

Many workers feel that their opinions and ideas are not valued through the Partcipative Management method. On second thought, workers begin to suspect the participative function. They soon see the mask of the so-called participation.

Management is thus not an easy job.

The Malay Language for the word 'Bukit' is 'Hill' for English Language. People is fascinated with many matters that has one thing or another to do with the word 'Bukit'.

In history, Sultan Mansur Shah has presented Bukit Cina to Princess Hang Li Poh. Bukit Cina is a treasure to Malaysia today. I think China also treasure Bukit Cina. The hill is a symbol of early friendship between China and Malaysia. Last month, the emphasis of continued friendship is re-affirmed by the President of the People of Republic of China, Xi Jinping. He told Najib that 'Air dicincang tak akan putus'.

In geographic record, a limestone hill was formed with a cave some 400 million years ago and the hill is named Batu Cave. Today, people treasure the hill and dedicated the hill to Lord Murugan.

Likewise, Beverly Hills, water was found instead of oil and that discovery changed the investors mind. They developed the hills into a town and now the hills has some of the highest real estate prices in the country.

The cycles repeat itself, the high becomes the low and the low becomes the high. Many huge companies started small and huge companies changes ownership in due course or ceased to exist. It is as if of the thirst to reach the peak but to remain at the peak of the hill is not a permanent matter.

When I was at the 50th anniversary event of a church, I heard a story. The story is about a group of people who wanted to conquer Mount Kinabalu. It climb is historic to that group of people. On the selected date, they set to climb Mount Kinabalu. When they reached Kinabalu Garden, a day before the climb, participants were voicing their concern whether they could reach the peak or not. They not only have to face the challenge of the height, but also the rain and the coldness. The scenario of the Mount Kinabalu appeal their desire to proceed with the climb. The first test began, the first coolness is felt when they put a night at the Kinabalu Park Resort.

After breakfast, the climb began through Pondok Timpohon. Ascending is paved with high and steep steps and that made the breaking up of the group into groups based on speed and stamina. They rejuvenated between their climb at 'pondok' that are situated some one to two kilometer to restore energy. They are heading to 'Laban Rata'

Laban Rata is a flat area which is about 2.7 kilometer below the peak and at the height of some 3000 meters from sea level, it is a beautiful location for photography. Enjoyed meaningful dinner, early next morning, some 2 hours after midnight, with headlamps to show the way, they continued the climb under thick clothing. By dawn, they saw the new sun, they stood on the peak, photography is the main activity.

They could only stood there for minutes, because the next group is waiting to stand on the peak.

The speaker told me that the joy of standing on the peak is not as joyful as the climb. Likewise, in management the joy of succeeding is not as joyful as the joy of striving to succeed. To achieve results of success is similar to scale a mountain. It is not achieving success that is important or standing on the peak that is important but it is how to achieve success or how to scale the climb that is important.

The 'Bukit-Theory' Management is therefore a new management method of success. The technical know-how would be deal later in due course in a new blog post.
