Government commitment on education

Committed to transforming the Malaysian education to be among the best in the region, the government belief that a quality education is the best guarantee to success in life of a person. The Malaysian employers are moving ahead with higher salaries workers to keep their businesses sustainable within these seven years to 2020.

Our children has begun to acquire the skills of a lifelong learner and they are awaiting the demand for the application of skilled knowledge by employers as Malaysia transforms into a high income nation. If this process does not function well, transformations would not mature.

The 12-year programme that provides us to examine and choose how we like our education to reward us by 2025 is documented in the Malaysian Education Blueprint.

For the first time ever, the impactful results can be felt by the rakyat when the first wave of change works towards the overall goals of the MEB. The rakyat has got to feel proud that the Education Minister, Tan Sri Muyhiddin Yassin has become the first educationist to jump start a great change.

In such a short period of time, schools have improved, basic literacy and numeric skills improved and examinations results are getting better. With the PMR just completed this week, we hope to see excellent results before the end of December 2013, when the pupils collect their results slips. PMR stand for Penilaian Menengah Rendah.

PMR result this year would be the starting benchmark under the Malaysian Edecation Blueprint to tell how well the Malaysian educationists mastermind is generating tne nation future. There is still a long way to go, intergrating the SPM or Sijil Penilaian Menengah and the STPM before we can justly say that our education is on par with the best in the world.

Let's work closely with Muyhiddin's idea to enable the maximize rewards of educaton.
