
A Good Advice from a Professor

Simplot Hash, Ayam A1 Crispy, Farm Best Sausage, Marina Tempura, K.G. Mantou, Sunkist Orange, Oganic Selenium, Ayam Sardin, Hosen Straw, Pagoda Pure, Saji Cooking Oil, Naturel Cokking Oil and Sunwhite Super Siam Rice. It was 11:12 when she made payment for these groceries at Aeon Jusco. She shopped the food stuff right after breakfast with her boyfriend. He picked her when she arrived Melaka in an Astima of a friend with her cousin sisters. None of us knew that she has carted these food stuff for home until we returned from work. It is her first time to provide foods for home after a fresh 3 months stint at work. My wife and me is surprised on her thoughtfulness of what she showed for home.

Other than home stuffs, she got a pair of sandals for her sister. When she and her boyfriend exit from a matinee, at Dataran Pahlawan, she rang her mum that she likes to buy a dinner. Over the dinner, she presented a Adidas T-Shirt to her younger brother. She has make these gifts according to her affordability and everyone enjoyed a nice day.

Her actions connected my thought on her recent convocation where we attended and rejoiced. It was Sunday 25 August, Dewan Tun Chancellor, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya. In his speech, Prof. Dato' Dr. Muhamad Rasat Muhamad rekindled the family institution and his messages shall transcend time, where both their parents and the graduates would reminiscence at least once. In within his speech, Prof. Dato' Dr. said, ' ... whatever the colors of the notes may be, givings immaterial of the amount to your parent on your first paycheck is a best gift ... ' 

'  ... ... For students, this is what you have struggled for all this while. I have been in your shoes, and I know that during your studies, it seemed like the tests and exams were never-ending. But, here you are, so rejoice ! You have been victorious in this battle, and you have earned every pinch of happiness that light up you life today.

For parents of the students, there is a moment of indescribable joy. You have sacrificed much - more than your cihild could imagine - for so many years. All the pain that you had underwent, all the tears you had shed, all of those have been just a few seconds when your child receives that scroll. For you, it was you on that stage, giving your child the gift of education, a gift that will stay with them long after you are no longer able to look out for them.

... ...

Dearest graduates, today is your day. However, keep in mind that this is only the first step of a great many. The real challenges have yet to come, but keep an eye out for them and embrace them, because only through challenges could we achieve greatness.

Congratulations and thank you.'
Prof. Dato' Dr. Muhamad Rasat Muhamad

Source: Page 8   Booklet
14th MMU Convocation 2013

A TM University
