
One nation, many stories - Singapore 48th National Day

My eyes would lock to the Sharp Box-TV on Aug 9 each year from 1970s onwards. Whys ?

This is because the greater show for each year is aired and is none other than the Singapore National Day Parade. Come August, I'll remember a man worked from young to old not for himself but for the future of Singapore's childrens. He is Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Early, this week, I've read e-news about his latest book, "One Man's View of the World" and am touched with his thoughts. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's 50-year struggle to transform Singapore from a polyglot former British colony into a united nation is a reality today, no more a vision. To shower love for what he has done for Singapore, I spend time to write on Singapore's birthday. Obviously, Singapore has many stories. Singapore has changed and improved from parade to parade with the foresight of Mr. Lee.

This year, I watched the parade on a Samsung tablet. The kids communicated like adults on stage and the adults are so supportive as displayed by the 800-human LED as both as one tell the story on how the merlion city got her name.

I had the good fortune of learning from Singapore National Day Parade. Singaporeans standing up for the parade, walking down the memory lane will feel the mystic aura of charm and charisma of this great nation and the unblemished tradition set by Mr. Lee.

Happy Birthday Singapore.

Majulah Singapura.

Daniel Ong, Melaka
Saturday 10 August 2013
11:49 a.m.
