To prosper

Man needs a simple roof to shelter his spouse and their siblings. The roof shelter them from the heat of the sun, blanket them from the rain water and shield them from the coldness of the dark. Compared to the early man, the comfort of today shelter was unexpected by the early man. Irrespective of where man lives, man needs shelter. Everything the early man did under the shelter was done manual and everything the modern man do under the shelter is aided. As shelter is made, advancement and improvement have not bring the price of shelter lower over time. Although times are tougher, man still like to own a shelter and at the same time to prosper like how man did much earlier.

Food was hunted has become food is delivered. Often the warriors killed animals for food and the nomadic chieftain decide sharing portions among his tribes. Things were less organized then. Man only need simple food to get rid of hunger and man rather does not like to over-eat and under-eat. One meal less reminds man of hunger but under-eating remind of him of hunger too. As food is being delivered, food has become more and more expensive over time. Although times are tougher, man dislike hunger. A hungry man is an angry man.

Clothing was no problem to early man and though it has become a fashion somehow, clothing takes a portion of the annual expenditures.

Shelter blended with rising utilities rates, and food cooked with inflated groceries bills could consume a bigger pie of the annual expenditures these days when matched with figures 50 years ago. Moving to a high-income phase is a way to address the monthly burden of the breadwinner but the move may at the same time push prices one more time. Risk management would encourage one to reduce expenditures instead of embracing higher costs of sales.

The simple needs of man have created village folks to dance and to sing in the past, but such celebrations lost its glory, leaving a vacuum now filled with the activities of the digital age. Man learn to network through the wire and wireless is fast catching up. Some enjoy free access to international networking while some pay for it. Communication after transportation has already assumed the role as the fifth needs of man. Man raced to multitask for marginal income a decade or two since to cross the costs hurdles and find out that to prosper like the forefathers has failed. Such periods are hard knocks which lead man to search for changes. No one dislike wealth.

To prosper, man get higher income with reduce expenditures and not higher income with higher expenditures while these expenditures cover the costs of shelter, the costs of food, the costs of education, the costs of transportation and the costs of communication. As communities have become more organized, man chose his leader to work for the prosperity of the communities. It is a tough job to care for his people yet some claimed they can do the job.

In the past, the Mayans exchanged coco beans for gold without leadership but today the rewards for skills is paper currency with leadership review. Do you realized that paper has taken over the role of commodities as money. If not well managed the value of money in the financial system devalued over time only to be compensated with additional income. Unless there is additional income, stress sink in. Prolonged stress drained skills and therefore talents.

After stress is stretch, and beyond yield a breaking point emerge where change take place. Key Performance Index is employed to prosper followers of an elected leader. New leader take charge when the old leader cannot deliver promises. It is only common to forget promise but the followers won’t. Looking for leader who prospers his people, people indiscriminately choose the leader.
