
Are you dating this valentine ?

Come Thursday 14 February 2013, you're going for your second valentine dates if you have been dating for over a year by then. He is still so sweet to you and you are still so honey for him. You showers him with attention but when it comes to compromising, you get none. He is a different man when you talk thing deeper with him though he is almost perfect. Or when it come to roses, fifteen dollars make you reject his sincere single stalk of red rose on valentine day. He may thought you would like the stalk on the eve of valentine  when the price is still a dollar and fifty cents.

When each thinking is at odds, then the couple's virtue of patience could lead to a better relationship but rarely, and most such odd relationship steer themselves to worse state. The hesitation of going further into a more committed relationship is then nagging you. While on dates, each would develop 'bubbles' above their heads on whether a loser is in the making. When you've 'bubbles' your heads each time you and your partner are together, it could be good to take a step back and zoom into those 'bubbles'.

Is he breaking promises ? Not leaving his office when he promised to do so fired me up while waiting for him with the tickets to a show. He didn't not even took the initiative to call and inform. That makes me very 'off' ~ Isabella. In this case, he is breaking the bond by breaking promises because in love, trust holds a relationship together. Let say, your lover is not breaking promises but another fine point, many girls are looking for is gentleness although a handful become attracted to rough and rude person.

Gentleness can be trained and so, don't give up easily this valentine date when you senses his or her rudeness. But if the rudeness is powered with temperamental emotions, then the result of an abusive or violent relationship is beginning. If he could be rude to the waiters for not getting his orders right, who are stranger to him, then such behavior tell the potential of him treating her poorly.

Are you dating this valentine ? Get more information about your lover this valentine. Have a romantic day together.
