Do you have these problems

People say it feels like a sharp, piercing pain or they've stood on something. The pain occurs in the center of the heel when weight is placed on the foot, and it's usually worse in the morning when taking the first few steps of the day or after periods of inactivity.

The pain gradually decreases with walking. The more the foot pronates the more stress develops in the plantar fascia which can lead to irritation of plantar fascia.

One of the causes is the formation of the Achilles tendon caused by excess pronation. Pain can usually be felt during activity and decrease with rest. However, it can develop into severe and constant pain that prevents normal walking.

This type of knew pain is not caused by an injury or accident and might be felt when getting up, walking around, walking up and down stairs or getting out of a car. It can be more noticeable when climbing stars, or after being seated for prolonged periods.

Knee pain can be related to the amount of foot pronation as the position and motion of the knee is directly related to the position and motion of the foot.

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