
29th Chinese Cultural Festival is coloring the sky in Melaka from 10th November 2012 to 18th November 2012. A national festival not to be missed.

China is a country that extends from central Asia to the Yellow Seas, the East and the South China Seas. In history, national geographic barriers kept China largely isolated with the Chinese living in varied cultural activities but that did not prevent them from building the Great Wall together more than 2000 years ago. Numerous differences arises from different rainfall, different climate, different agricultural works, different languages and of course, the way of living. On the banks of the Yellow river, the Chinese language have been spoken for more than 5000 years. Languages led to one top drama, the Story of the Western Pavilion and one popular novel, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Before the i nvention of paper during the Han Dynasty, books were made from bamboo and wood and later, silk rolls. Painting is also a valued art for the Chinese.

Bukit China, the largest Chinese hill outside China is undergoing an amazing decoration works for the Torch Ceremony this Sunday, 11th November.

Watch ! 台湾电音三太子到马六甲,支持2012年第29届马来西亚全国华人文化节


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