The world recognizes the winner …
The world recognizes the winner’s achievement and without
discrimination to his or her nationality, race or creed, a Nobel Prize is one
of the greatest honors for him or her. The Prize is named after a Swedish
chemist, Alfred Bernhard Nobel. Haunted by the wasteful destruction his
invention caused, he conceived the idea of the prizes to honor those who
contribute to the good of humanity. The Nobel Fund was set up with some $9,000,000
for prizes like;
Physiology or Medicine.
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December the 10th was set for the prizes awarding
The founder of International Red Cross who had worked with
the Geneva Convention on rules for treatment of prisoners of war, Jean Henri
Dunant, a Swiss, was awarded the Peace Prize in 1901. Theodore Roosevelt was
awarded the same Prize for ending the Russo-Japanese War, with the Treaty of
Portsmouth in 1905. A French man who likes to organize International Peace
Conferences in the Hague was awarded the Peace Prize in 1907 and he is Louis
In Literature, the famous George Bernard Shaw, an Irish, was
honor with the Nobel Prize, for his plays of ideas, with fame like “Man and
Superman”, “Pygmalion”, “Caesar” and “Cleopatra”. The novels of the Chinese
life, “The Good Earth” gained the Nobel Prize for an American, Pearl Buck in
In Medicine, Sir Alexander Fleming was awarded in 1945 for
his discovery of penicillin and further back, Sir Ronald Ross was awarded in
1902 for discovery of parasite, carried by mosquitoes that causes malaria.
Sir William Ramsay was awarded in 1904 for the study of
inert gases like helium, neon, krypton, xenon, and radon, in Chemistry, John
Strutt and Lord Rayleigh were named as founders of the element argon in the
same year.
explore more at the
Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize Winners improve the world …