
The Future of Education, Malaysia. Blueprint 2013 - 2025

Academicians, non-governmental organizations and political leaders thumbs-up to the preliminary Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 – 2025. The former Director General of Education, Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom believed that enhanced education continue to power the delivery system of the government to higher standards.

By 2020, all children will have full access to education from preschool level up to upper secondary school level 5.

Teachers have to shift the pupils comfort of the present system to the new comfort of the future by 2015. This means that the results from Wave 1 of the Blueprint from now to 2015 will depend on the efforts to turn around the present system. Wave 1 would be instrumental to the improvement rates between 2016 to 2020 and such operational rates could yield desired excellences from 2021.

From October 2012, the public can scrutinize the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2012 – 2025. A caring man, the Education Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin likes feedbacks for the preliminary report before finalization in December 2012. Another transformation, under the government GTP (Government Transformation Programmes) umbrella coined by the excellent leadership of the Najib Administration, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak outlined outlined the 11 strategem that aimed to gear Malaysians to a better future. He likes to see learners who will be thinkers and innovators and who will lead the nation of high wage earners. Najib hopes that Malaysians would be essential in international trade and investments and this clearly display his love for the rakyat. The blueprint would march Malaysians to emulate universal values for a Greater Malaysia.

The full blueprint can be downloaded here.

Find out what are the 11 Shifts outlined in this video by the staronline

Thus, our lovely Prime Minister, has great plans for us. Together with his deputy and a team of academicians, the Najib Administration has deliberately engineeered the Blueprint 2013 -2025 so that the education that is in the hands of one generation is pass on to the next. The children of Malaysians who would be the leaders of tomorrow and they must make the most of life with education gained from the progress of the blueprint for the betterment of the country.

With the 11 shifts, future education would excite everyone about the proper upbringing of children, the development of their mental power, their thinking formation, their innovative molding and direct their character. (As early as 1871, the Germans have no less powerful in molding national character and opinion.) Long prevailed, there are two basic methods for acquiring knowledge, namely induction and deduction. Let’s hold our hands together, stand behind Najib and march forward to the Future of Education, Malaysia.
