

The Tiger is held in high esteem by the Chinese people and is therefore ascribed the title, King of the Beasts. The tiger is a symbol of magisterial dignity and sternness. This noble creature is revered in Chinese folk traditions and is incorporated into many festivals, ceremonies and customs in China dating back thousands of years.

Tiger images are also found on temple walls and doors. Tiger images are sculptured from stone or carved from wood.

The Tiger Altars

The niches for the Tiger God are usually hidden underneath the altar table or in a small square hole hollowed out in the wall. One or several Tiger Gods of various sizes are placed in them.

The elders say that the Tiger God can dispel bad luck, afford prenatal protection, calm crying babies, and assist in business ventures.

Worshipers bring with them small pieces of pork, a small amount of noodles, a pieces of tofu and an egg as offering to the Tiger God. The using of words during prayers is done by experienced person.
