
Not Easy

In adversity, there is opportunity. Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” The Malay would say, “Seperti Pelangi di sebalik kabu”.

Winning a Gold Medal would make the athletic happy as he has trained for a few years for that moment. The question is, “Would a Silver Medal not make an athletic happy ?”  Some poor is not happy because the financial standing is not at par with the present mean income. The mean income is an income level where inflation is not felt. Unfortunately, many riches are not happy although their wealth is on the other extreme to the poor. It seems many could handle difficulties better than easiness, when one contemplate oneself on how to use happiness bestow to all. The question of happiness begin to surface once the kid goes to school to begin his rat race.

Instead of encouraging the kid to enjoy the schooling days, he is reminded that his position in class could range fit any number from the 1st to the 50th. Majority aim for numbers 1st to 10th. Teachers are trained to make a diffence.  Learning and memorising is emphasized from Day 1. Stress is switch on. Its intensity is gradually increase over the years. Improved results are achieved and happiness is yet to be found.There is then a question, “At what age could one stop worrying and start being happy ?” The answer is now and then.

Some indulge in meditation to seek happiness. Others may choose see not, hear not, say not, as a skill to achieve happiness. Many believed that “It is better to speak less, best to speak kindly” adopted from the Chinese philosophy 话多不如话少话少不如话好 to reject sadness and to welcome happiness. An example of an environment in which all those seekings play little role is the political scenario of a ruling party and an opposition party. We are leaving that aside here. Let keep on track that happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and the end of existence as quoted by Aristotle.

Certainly, money contribute more happiness to its owner only if it is wisely managed. Making profits and suffering losses decide the status of a company but fame, fortune and power cannot ultimately decide his inner happiness. This is the reason why there is a constant chase for money and a constant aid to charity. And there is also a constant chase for happiness. It seems simple but the simple is not easy. It is when compassion is provide to diffulties, the wisdom derived is used to moderate extremes. Moderate to be happier.
