
Husband and Wife

Whatever I said and whatever you said
I love you.

The word and the moment forever have fled
I love you.

The breezes may ruffle the stream in its flow,
But tranquil and clear are the waters below;
And under all tumult you feel and you know
I love you.

Whatever you did and whatever I did
I love you.

Whatever is open, whatever is hid
I love you.

The strength of the oak makes the tempest a mock
The anchor holds firm in the hurricane's shock
Our love is the anchor, the oak and the rock,
I love you.

Whatever I thought and whatever you thought
I love you.

The mood and the passion that made it are naught
I love you.

For words, thoughts and deeds, though they rankle and smart
May never delude us or hold us apart
Who treasure this talisman deep in the heart,
"I love you"

Arthur Gutterman

Sunday 12 February 2012, rededicate marriages vows are conducted in churches.
