
CUB and its MAMA

Largest of the cats, tiger is a carnivorous mammal and a fine male specimen will measure about 2 meter from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail. The fur on the upper parts is reddish brown with white markings on the face and ears. Siberian tigers have long and woolly fur than the Indian specimens while the Malaysian tigers are heavily striped and appear darker in colour. Tigers are found in most parts of central and south Asia.

Tigers favourite haunts are the jungles and forests and the cubs stay close to their parents until they reach the age of three. A tiger cub is dependent on its mother for food, until it learns to hunt.

Illegal poaching is a major threat to tigers among other threats like habitat loss, and reduction of prey populations. With no food, no skills and no protector, a cub becomes an easy target for wildlife traffickers.

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