

Endemic Species like the Blue-headed sunbird, the Great Lakes bush viper, the Mountain gorilla, and the Ruwenzori duiker, are some of the 800 over species roaming near to Africa's Great Lakes. The Mountain gorilla and the Ruwenzori duiker are also classified as endangered species.

The lakes and wetlands are homes to hippopotamus, goliath heron, Congo clawless otter, Papyrus, Sitatunga, African pygmy goose, Sitatunga and Blue-headed coucal.

The Montane Forests are homes to L'Hoest's monkey, Yellow-crested helmet shrike, Strange-nosed chameleon, Ruwenzori turaco and Ruwenzori otter shrew.

The Savanna-Forest Mosaics are homes to Lions, Uganda kobs, giraffe, Topi, Elephants, Martial eagles, and Lappet-faced vultures.

The Alpine Moorlands are homes to Giant heather, Golden monkey, Giant lobellia, Mountain gorillas, and giant groundsel.

However, the clearing of forests, the climate change, overfishing including drainage, and cutting of trees are threatening these animals and mammals near to Lake Albert, Lake Edward, Lake Kivu, Lake George and Lake Tanganyika.

Along the 920-mile-long rift, the rifting started billion years ago and perhaps after another 30 million years, the Tanzania craton could be detached from the main continent.

Nairobi, the hub of East Arica, is the most populated area of the Great Rift Valley where most of the people are farmers, fishermen and herders.
