
Robin Hood and His Merry Men

Robin Hood is supposed to have lived in the twelfth century.

Whether or not he was a real person, we do not know. As a hero, he is known and admired by all who have read of his exciting adventures.

Robin Hood was the leader of a band of merry men who roamed Sherwood Forest near Nottingham, England. Robin Hood had killed one of the king's deer and had then slain a forester who threatened his life.

Forced to flee into the forest, he became the leader of a band of bold men and passed time in hunting and robbing. They were by no means usual robbers, however.

Robin Hood robbed the rich and distributed the wealth among the poor.

His most famous followers were Little John, Will Stutely, Will Scarlet, and the chaplain, who was called the Friar Tuck.

Robin Hood would shed no blood and protected all women and children in his battle against unjust laws. When King David was imprisoned in Germany, his brother Prince John ruled England and exacted taxes from the poor people to live in luxury with his barons.

When King David returned to England, he granted Robin Hood a royal pardon when he found Robin Hood to be an unselfish helper of the king's poorest subjects.


I watched this movie when I was a boy.

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The Topic is - Blogging for a Cause

The Panel : Mark Bezos, Sharon Chang and Jane Harrell
The Moderator : Ellis Henican

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