

The garden occupies a 42 acres site in the City of Westminster, and the palace garden is the largest private garden in London.

Originally landscaped by Capability Brown, and later redesigned by William Townsend Aiton, a great manmade lake was built and completed in 1828. The lake is graced by flocks of flamingoes and Waterloo Vase.

The Queen invited the public into the Royal Garden on some occasions such as the Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002 where she has hosts her annual garden parties each summer. In 2006, the scene of Children's Party at the Palace for an audience of 2,000 children on her 80th birthday and the great Millenium party was held in the same garden.

Today, most men invited to Buckingham Palace in the daytime choose to wear service uniforms or morning coats with tails and, in the evening, black or white tie, depending on the occasion. If the occasion is 'white tie' then women, if they possess one, wear a tiara.

Buckingham Palace is the most visited and the best known although it may be diminutive compared to the Beijing's Forbidden City. The Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II.

To Queen With Love
