
Jews Story

Set forth in the Bible, the Jews are descendants of an ancient people.

Abram left his native city to his father in Haran and that was where the Lord appeared and told him to go to the land of Canaan, where he would become the founder of a great nation. It happened over four thousand years ago and was recorded in the Old Testament.

Later Abram changed his name to Abraham, which means the "father of nations" and a new nation called the Hebrews was founded. Later, his people lived as wanderers but then, a leader, Moses, molded the Hebrews into a more united people with the Ten Commandments.

Moses's disciple, Joshua led the Hebrews back into Canaan and the Hebrews became agricultural people under outstanding people like Deborah, Gideon, Samson and Samuel.

Chosen by Sameul, Hebrews' first king is Saul. King David who ruled after Saul made Jerusalem as his capital and his son, Soloman developed industry and trade for his people. Later, Cyrus the Great, permitted the Hebrews to return to their land in the period called the Babylonian Captivity. It was this time that the name "Jews" was first applied to all who accepted the teaching of the Hebrew religion.
