Flooding along the Mekong River

Flooding along the Mekong River

Asia's rivers are among the longest in the world.

Within Asia are to be found the mightiest mountains in the world and the highest being, the Everest, in the Himalayas, towers to a height of 29,002 feet.

The chief rivers of the north are the Ob, the Enisei and the Lena. They flow through Asiatic Russia and empty their waters in the Arctic Ocean.

The river Amur rising in Mongolia, makes a great turn about the north of Manchuria and then flows in the Sea of Okhotsk.

Another two great streams of the east is Asia are the Yellow River and the Yangtze Kiang, both in China.

The Mekong River flows through Indochina and enters the China Sea.

The Salween and the Irrawaddy, rivers of Burma, empty their waters in the Bay of Bengal. Flowing into this same bay are two mighty rivers of India namely the Brahmaputra and the Ganges. The Indus flows southwest through Pakistan and falls into the Arabian Sea.

Join and flow as one stream into the Persian Gulf, is the Euphrates and the Tigris.

The Mekong River - Read more at the East-Star Mysteries.
