Bujang Valley, Kedah Artifacts


Kedah, lying half-way between China and the Middle-east, was an important entreport in the "Maritime Silk-route".

In the rich archeaological site of Bujang Valley in Kedah, researchers have uncovered foundations of Buddhist temples and stupas possibly dating from 110CE.

Objects unearthed from this site include beads, pottery and coins, which are useful indicators of the time-line and trade patterns in ancient times.

The Bujang Valley, and interiors of Kelantan yielded rich Buddhist artifacts such as sun-baked clay votive tablets, bronze and terracotta images of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and occasionally, stone inscriptions by local rulers and travelers.

Stone Buddha Image
The style of this artifact possibly dates it to the 6th. or 7th. Century CE.

The famous Chinese traveler-monk, Yi Jing, stopped over there on his sea voyage to India in 671 CE. The Buddha attatined Enlightenment in 588 BCE and it was 2,600 years back.
