Siakap Yam Cok

Sustainable kitchen interest is what I focus on. It was a good try on cooking the Pandan Seafood Roll last week. This weekend, I am trying to put on the dining table, a well done Siakap Yam Cok.

First I did, is to contact my elder brother who travel to the State of Johor practically every day. According to him, there are a few places where fishes are sold on the boats of fishermen who just returned from the Straits of Melaka. He is getting a Siakap.

These are my cooking preparations.

One Siakap 805 gm

500 gm salt

Dipping Sauce
10 - 15 chili padi (pounded)
8 - 9 garlic (pounded)
1 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp lime juice


1 Remove gut and gill. Rinse and do not scale.
2 Heat up wok, add a layer of salt in wok. Rub some salt on fish belly. Place fish into the wok, and then cover the fish with another layer of salt. Cover wok with lid, cook for 15 min.

Let’s find out a little about the benefit of chili padi.

Chili padi has a component called Capsaicin. Researchers have find out that chili padi could lower blood sugar level, thins blood and boost circulation. Chili padi could also provide pain relief and reduces inflammation.

Have you noted that after eating hot curry, your cold nasal congestion has gone?  Well, that was the magic of chili.

The fish will taste sweet and tender in your mouth with its natural nutrient of protein at 23 grams per ounce serving.  Siakap is a fine fish to put on your dish. Some avoid tilapia because of its freshwater mild flavor. We can overcome that reason by baking tilapia under salt and heated within lid-covered wok. This method of cooking produces special fragrance to the fish.

So the mix of chili padi, garlic, sugar and lime juice is surely going to seduce your palate further.

Mothers, why not try to put Siakap Yam Cok on your table. See how surprise your husband and children would be.
