Pisang Goreng Melaka ~ Pasti Suka

Portuguese likes to have banana fritters as a breakfast staple. In 1511, when the Portuguese reached Melaka's shore, frying banana with flour was introduced. A new word is created in 1511, "Pisang Goreng" (Fried Banana). Learn more about Fried Banana at a "Warong Goreng Pisang" stall in Melaka.

葡萄牙人喜欢吃香蕉油条当早餐。在1511年,当葡萄牙人来到马六甲岸时,香蕉和面粉一起炸被介绍了。一个新的字眼在1511年诞生了,'炸香蕉'。想要更认识"炸香蕉"可以到"Warong Goreng Pisang"这间小贩,位于马六甲参观。

Orang Portuguese suka makan kerat pisang untuk sarapan pagi. Apabila, orang Portuguese tiba di Melaka pada tahun 1511, pisang digoreng dengan tepung pun bermula. Oleh itu, perkataan "pisang goreng" pun wujud sejak tahun 1511. Sebelum itu, pisang hanya dimakan mentah. Terokailah sejarah "Pisang Goreng" di mana-mana warong di Melaka.

Português gosta de ter banana bolinhos como um grampo pequeno-almoço. Em 1511, quando o Português chegou a costa de Melaka, banana frita com farinha foi introduzido. Uma nova palavra é criada em 1511, "Pisang Goreng" (banana frita). Saiba mais sobre Banana Frita em um "Goreng Warong Pisang" tenda em Melaka.

포르투갈어 아침 식사 주식으로 바나나 튀김을 가지고 좋아합니다. 1511 년, 포르투갈은 밀가루 말라카의 해안, 튀김 바나나에 도달 할 때 도입되었습니다. 새로운 단어가 1511에서 만든 "Pisang Goreng"(튀긴 바나나). 멜라 카 (Melaka)에서 'Warong Goreng의 Pisang "포장 마차에서 튀김 바나나에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.

Banana is cultivated in most tropical and subtropical climates and it is believed that banana tree is a native of Indonesia. Banana leaf is used to wrap many foodstuffs by the Chinese, Peranakan, Indian and the Malay. Each leaf ranged from 1 meter to 2 meter long and 1 feet wide and the leaves are above a short stem but the tree could grows to a maximum height of about 20 feet. If you are interested to supply fresh bananas to the warong goreng pisang, about 12 tons of the fruit could be harvested from an acre of land.

Take a day off from your routine air-conditioned hi-tea and enjoy the favorite pisang goreng in Melaka. Take it hot and sweat out in the heat of the afternoon with a cup of hot coffee or tea, or maybe, a cup of teh-tarik. 

Have a pleasant stay in Melaka and don't miss the pisang goreng.
